24 Jun

So, here it is then, my final post from the trip of a lifetime.

What can I say, it was all that I hoped it would be and more.

The things I saw, the stories I heard and shared with my readers will stay with me forever.

It is too early to say if this experience has changed me, but what I can say is that it has left an impression on me that I would not have had, had I not embarked on such an adventure.

In the days and weeks to come, I shall process everything as I prepare myself for the many questions friends, colleagues and family members will no doubt have for me.

I am sad to be leaving, but it is time to resume my old life again.

Will I undertake another trip like this? Well, if Kingston will allow it, definitely - maybe when I reach my 30 year milestone, that would be something for sure …

Take Care my friends …

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