A 15 hour journey through the western half of Louisiana and most of the eastern half of Texas on Amtrak”s Sunset Ltd - what

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Memphis, the city made famous by both rock and roll as well as rythm and blues offers an insight into the musical history of this young nation. It cultivated the likes of B.B. King and Elvis Presley and put the city on the international map.

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New Orleans, a city that has survived the fury of mother nature more than once is steeped in history that tells of pirates, occult arts and creole and cajun cuisine. Let's take a peak at what the city has to offer ...

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One would hardly believe how exciting a short journey, well 8 hours each way anyhow, can be. I was expecting nothing more than two quick journeys in coach. What I got surpassed my wildest dreams … for the wrong reasons!

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Amtrak's "Crescent" was to be my next train on my trek through the USA. While, It would take me through 10 US states, unfortunately the bad weather and frequent delays meant that my first time in a roomette would turn out to be quite different to how I had imagined.

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New York, a city that has seen both triumph and tragedy, has become a symbol of American capitalism. Yet not many know that it also made significant contributions to the silver screen. Join me as I explore the streets of Manhattan ..

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My first train journey saw me take a seat in the Business Class section of the Acela, America's answer to the Japanese Shinkansen or Bullet Train. Only a short ride from Boston to New York, but a memorable one ...

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Boston, capital of Massachusetts is known not only for stoking the fires of revolution in the 18th century, but also for its place as a seat of higher education with both Harvard and M.I.T. in close proximity. Come with me and explore this city ...

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Seeing that journeys on Amtrak vary from a couple of hours to a couple of days, what are the options when travelling by Amtrak?

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If you have never travelled on Amtrak before then you will be glad you know about these 13 things.

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What are the origins of Amtrak, America's national passenger rail network service.

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Here is a little bit of background on why I chose to visit the United States and why I opted for doing everything by Amtrak.

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